Weight Management Services In St. Peters, MO

  / Weight Management Services In St. Peters, MO


Weight Management Services IN St. PETERS, MO

At The Whole You Wellness Center, our Weight Management Services take a comprehensive approach to helping individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight. We provide personalized diet plans, exercise regimens, behavioral counseling, and tailored medical interventions. For severe obesity, we offer medications like phentermine, semaglutide, and tirzepatide, which have been shown to be effective in promoting weight loss and long-term management. These medications work by suppressing appetite, improving insulin sensitivity, or affecting hunger hormones, resulting in significant weight reduction. Successful weight management involves not only losing weight but also maintaining it for over six months, indicating a shift towards a healthier lifestyle and sustained weight stability.

When it comes to addressing skin concerns, we offer various treatment options such as prescription medications, topical treatments, and professional skincare services. Treatment outcomes may vary depending on individual skin types and the severity of the condition. If you’re ready to take control of your health and wellness journey, schedule an appointment with us today to explore how our Weight Management Services can support your goals.


Expect a personalized approach tailored to your health needs and goals during your Weight Management Services journey. Initially, you’ll undergo a comprehensive evaluation to set realistic objectives. Throughout the program, you will receive nutrition, exercise, and behavior modification guidance to help you achieve sustainable weight loss. Regular follow-ups will monitor your progress, adjusting the plan to ensure continued success. Support and education from healthcare professionals will empower you to make lasting lifestyle changes.




Initial Consultation



Follow up Visits



Semaglutide Monthly


12 week package $1150.

24 week package $2155.


Tirzepitide Monthly


12 week package $1275.

24 week package $2450.


Lipo-Plus (Skinny Shot)




Weight Management Services can benefit those struggling with obesity or weight-related health issues and anyone committed to achieving a healthier weight and lifestyle.

Results vary by individual, but most people see changes within the first few weeks of starting the program, with significant improvements over months.

With ongoing lifestyle changes and adherence to the program, results can be long-lasting, aiming for permanent weight loss and improved health.

There is no downtime associated with non-medical components of Weight Management Services. Medications may have side effects, which your healthcare provider will discuss.

Conducting a comprehensive assessment with a healthcare provider before beginning the service is important. Once started, it is essential to adhere to the customized plan, which includes dietary, exercise, and behavioral changes.

Healthcare professionals will provide personalized attention, including regular check-ups, support in making lifestyle changes, and adjustments to your plan to ensure your success.


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